

*Please note our grant application period has now concluded. The Fergusson Foundation Community Grants Program will begin it’s next application period in July, 2025. 

The Fergusson Foundation Grants Program | Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The Fergusson Foundation Grants Program was officially established in 1992. The program provides financial contributions to Canadian Registered Charities, based in and serving Atlantic Canada. Charities are eligible if their project aligns with one, or more, of the three pillars of the Foundation:

  • general awareness;
  • intervention;
  • prevention and elimination.

The selected recipients will be awarded a grant to a maximum of $10,000 per organization.


Application Period

The Foundation will begin accepting applications in  July 2025.

Download your Fergusson Foundation Grant Application Form Here.

During the application submission period, all applications should be in the same format as per the attached form and received by the Fergusson Foundation.

The submission may be forwarded electronically to

*Applications will only be accepted during the official application period.


General Requirements

Canadian organizations, based in and serving Atlantic Canada, are eligible if they are recognized as registered charities by Revenue Canada and their projects align with one, or more, of the three pillars of the Foundation:

  • general awareness;
  • intervention;
  • prevention and elimination.

Projects must have a practical application and have an impact on those affected by family violence, which may include victims, survivors, perpetrators, and/or their families and communities.

Successful applicants will be required to agree to the following conditions in order for funds to be released:

  1. To submit a report to the Foundation, within three months of the applicant’s originally stated project end date, that outlines the final outcomes of the project (including confirmation of how funds were used);
  2. To share all materials produced for the project with the Foundation within three months of the applicant’s originally stated project end date. Materials will be used by the Foundation in promotional activities as further defined in item #4.
  3. To participate in future events with the Foundation upon request (i.e. webinars, presentations, videos, etc.) and;
  4. To provide photos, or other material, to the Foundation’s communications team for use in future promotional activities.


Eligible Projects

Subject to satisfying the General Requirements above, eligible projects may include, but are not limited to:

  • The provision of services to those impacted by family violence. These may include:
    • Counselling and assistance;
    • Education and training;
    • Other services that align with the General Requirements above.
  • The development of programs for the education of:
    • Staff or volunteers working in the area of family violence;
    • The general public.

 Preference will be given to projects that most fully demonstrate that they meet the following criteria:

  1. Innovative: projects that develop, adopt and/or demonstrate new and/or modified approaches to addressing the challenges of family violence
  2. Sustainable: projects that will have an on-going contribution to the Foundation’s mission extending beyond the initial year of support
  3. Transferable: projects that can be adopted and/or adapted for use by other organizations and/or communities
  4. Considers Diversity: projects that seek to capture the full spectrum of those impacted by family violence, which may include those that seek to address an under-represented group
  5. Leverages our support: projects that, as a result of the Foundation’s grant, can gain financial support from other sources to create greater impact and/or coverage
  6. Demonstrated Community Need: projects that are addressing a community need and have confirmation of this through letters of support from community partners


Ineligible Projects

Ineligible projects include those that seek to cover (subsidize) normal operating expenses of the applicant organization.  Normal operating expenses include, but are not limited to:

  1. Rent and normal facility costs
  2. Salaries
  3. Costs of on-going and regular programming (e.g., increasing capacity of existing programs, annual conferences, standard training for staff, etc.)
  4. General operating overhead (e.g., utilities, office supplies, etc.)Capital funding campaigns

 Note that these costs may be included in the overall cost of the project (for example 5% of the salary of an administration person); however, they will not be funded by the Foundation. Such costs should be shown as an “in kind” contribution (from the applicant) on the budget form.


Alèx Thomas Carleton Grant

In addition to the Fergusson Foundation’s regular 2021 grants, one organization will be eligible to receive the Fergusson Foundation’s Alèx Thomas Carleton Grant.

L-R: David Parkinson and Alèx Thomas Carleton

This grant will be awarded to an organization whose project aims to assist current or former partners, family members or friends, in supporting survivors of family violence.

Background: To honour the outstanding contributions made by David Parkinson and Alèx Thomas Carleton to the both Fergusson Foundation and the prevention and elimination of family violence, the Foundation will create a special additional grant in their name.

*Please note eligibility requirements, application, obligations and selection process are the same as regular Fergusson Foundation Grants.


Selection Process

Grant applications are evaluated by a Grant Selection Committee comprised of representatives from the Foundation’s Board of Directors, using the scoring rubric below. The Fergusson Foundation reserves the right to verify the accuracy of the information provided in the submission. For more information please contact

The Fergusson Foundation Grants Program | Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)