The Fergusson Foundation is now calling for nominations for the 2025 MMFF Award, in recognition of outstanding contributions toward the prevention and elimination of family violence!
All nominations for the 2025 Award must be received by February 28th, 2025.
The Award will be presented at the Foundation’s 2025 Award Ceremony.
To submit a nomination, please complete the nomination form below and submit it along with two letters of support to Rebecca Francis, Executive Director of the Fergusson Foundation, at
About the Award
The Muriel McQueen Fergusson Foundation Award was created in 1992 to recognize outstanding contributions toward preventing and eliminating family violence in Canada.
The Award recognizes an individual, group, organization, business, corporation or workplace that has furthered the prevention and elimination of family violence. The Award is presented annually during a special public function of the Foundation to commemorate the birthday of the Foundation’s Patron, Muriel McQueen Fergusson.
Canadian individuals or organizations whose achievements have advanced the prevention and elimination of family violence are eligible for nomination. All nominations should be in the same format as per the nomination form above and supported by two letters of recommendation.
Selection Process
The Award recipient is selected by a committee of the Foundation’s Board of Directors representatives based on the information provided by the nominators. The Fergusson Foundation reserves the right to verify the accuracy of the information provided in the submission. Nominees not chosen in the first year are retained and will be considered for the Award for the next two years.
The Award itself was designed and produced by Carole Cronkite of Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada’s first female pewtersmith.
The Award is made entirely by hand using only basic tools. Different gauges of sheet pewter are layered to create a three-dimensional effect. The four-piece logo is cut out with a delicate jewelers saw, filed, soldered, etched and shaded to produce the finished award.
The design of the Award is intended to symbolize the many faces of violence.
In addition, the Award recipient selects a registered charity, whose objectives further the goals of the Foundation, and the Foundation makes a $1,000 donation in their name.

New Brunswick’s Lieutenant-Governor and the Muriel McQueen Fergusson Foundation Award
Founding member of the Fergusson Foundation and former Lieutenant-Governor Margaret Norrie McCain helped set the tone for the involvement of the Office of the Lieutenant-Governor in supporting the quest to eliminate family violence. For many years the Office of the Lieutenant-Governor has graciously allowed the Foundation to hold the Award presentation ceremony at Government House. Other Lieutenant-Governors including Marilyn Trenholme Counsell, Herménégilde Chiasson, Graydon Nicholas and Jocelyne Roy-Vienneau have continued this support. In 2020, the Honourable Brenda Murphy became an active participant with the Foundation’s work by accepting the role as Honorary Patron of the Muriel McQueen Fergusson Foundation Award.
Government House is the official residence to the Lieutenant-Governor but is also open to the public and receives thousands of visitors on an annual basis. The Award is now displayed at Government House allowing visiting Canadians, dignitaries, monarchy, heads of state, countless tours of school children and many others all to see these examples of outstanding Canadians, organizations and businesses who have helped further the elimination of family violence.
Past Recipients
- 1993 June Callwood
- 1994 Dr. Peter Jaffe
- 1995 Margaret Norrie McCain
- 1996 Sister Cecile Renault (posthumously)
- 1997 Dr. Donald G. Dutton
- 1998 ‘Making Waves’
- 1999 The Body Shop Canada
- 2000 Fredericton Sexual Assault Crisis Centre
- 2001 Dr. Sandra Byers
- 2002 Rina Arseneault
- 2003 Red Cross RespectED
- 2004 Senator Sharon Carstairs and Margaret Newall
- 2005 Margaret-Ann Blaney
- 2006 Penny K. Ericson
- 2007 Madeleine Delaney-LeBlanc
- 2008 Bernard Richard
- 2009 Rona Brown
- 2010 Native Women’s Association of Canada
- 2011 White Ribbon Campaign
- 2012 Ghosts of Violence
- 2013 Dr. Nancy Nason-Clark
- 2014 Sigrid Rolfe & Dr. Philip Smith
- 2015 Family Enrichment and Counselling Service
- 2016 Julie Devon Dodd
- 2017 C. Anne Crocker, C.M.
- 2018 Maryse Rinfret-Raynor
- 2019 Dr. Judith Wuest
- 2021 Dr. Linda C. Neilson
- 2022 Dr. Deborah Doherty
- 2023 Debrah Westerburg
- 2024 Dr. Lyne Chantal Boudreau
The Fergusson Foundation was honoured to recognize the Honourable Dr. Lyne Chantal Boudreau,as the 31st recipient of the Muriel McQueen Fergusson Foundation Award.
November 27, 2024 (Fredericton, N.B.) – The Fergusson Foundation presented the 31st MMFF Award to Hon. Dr. Lyne Chantal Boudreau, Minister Responsible for Women’s Equality and Seniors during a ceremony at Government House.
Created in 1992 to recognize outstanding contributions toward the prevention and elimination of family violence in Canada, the MMFF Award is presented annually to an individual, group or organization that has significantly contributed to that end.
The Fergusson Foundation was pleased to acknowledge Minister Boudreau for her exemplary leadership and commitment to the prevention and elimination of family violence.
“Minister Boudreau works tirelessly on behalf of women and children in her pursuit of working towards the elimination of family violence. From her extensive community engagement to leading her own entrepreneurial, and social, endeavours in support of survivors, we are honoured to recognize Minister Boudreau as she continues to make a significant difference at the forefront of this very important cause,“ declared Danika Carleton, Chair of the MMFF Award Selection Committee.
Sonja Perley, President of the Fergusson Foundation, said “Minister Boudreau’s dedication to ending family violence is outstanding and her considerable involvement on various committees, her research work and her own personal experience has undoubtedly been instrumental in raising awareness of domestic violence and its impacts throughout New Brunswick and beyond. It is an honour to recognize Minister Boudreau’s significant contributions and award her the Muriel McQueen Fergusson Foundation Award today.”
In accepting the Award, Minister Boudreau said “It is with great honour that I receive this award on behalf of all those who, through their daily work, contribute to the elimination of family violence in our society and in particular to the elimination of violence against women and children. Let’s join forces to break the glass ceilings so that every individual in our society can reach their full potential and fulfil their dreams in a supportive, caring and respectful environment. ”
In honour of Minister Boudreau’s contributions, the Fergusson Foundation will provide a donation to Centre Courage de Shédiac and Centre Boréal.
Hon. Dr. Lyne Chantal Boudreau, PhD.
The Honourable Lyne Chantal Boudreau, PhD., Minister Responsible for Women’s Equality and Seniors, is a teacher, researcher, entrepreneur, author, speaker and volunteer who is highly involved in her community. A professor of educational administration at the Université de Moncton since 2017, she is known for her attentive approach and great sensitivity among everyone she comes into contact with each day. An active volunteer on the local, provincial and national scenes, she serves as a role model within various groups and organizations. Her leadership is founded on values of respect, consent, listening, fairness and social justice. The goal of her actions, through education, is to promote the advancement of social causes, most notably eliminating violence against women and children, as well as gender equality and social justice issues. A dedicated feminist activist, Minister Boudreau does not hesitate to take a public stance on issues related to family and domestic violence and its consequences. Always ready to lend her support, she stands out for her tireless commitment to community causes, inspiring everyone she meets.
Minister Boudreau places great importance on her family and the values that have been passed on to her. She is the proud mother of two children, Marie-Andrée and Marc-Antoine, and adores her grandson Charlie. Her cat, Bibi, also holds a special place in her heart.
She is known for her community involvement, providing leadership from an inclusive perspective for important social causes such as social justice, equity, the establishment of environments of respect and consent, and the development of initiatives to counter family and domestic violence.
As an entrepreneur, Minister Boudreau owns a social enterprise specializing in fashion and is co-owner of the non- profit organization EL2ES Inc., which uses education to offer training on consent and healthy relationships in all settings and develops related resources. EL2ES seeks to address a critical lack of training and support in our province in the face of alarming statistics regarding gender-based violence. Changing these statistics relies on preventive resources and effective interventions targeting those affected by this form of violence.
As an educator, Minister Boudreau Boudreau advocates for education based on awareness and the creation of resources and tools following an intersectional and inclusive approach. For Minister Boudreau, education symbolizes the key to a society that is free, respectful and committed to its development. She shares this love of education whenever she speaks publicly, highlighting the importance of education, listening and consent for holistic, respectful social development. The words she lives by, “Talk about us not without us, but with us,” guide her every action. The principles set out in her book on shared leadership are based on the values she strives to promote in all settings.
Professional and community involvement: Minister Boudreau is a volunteer member of several committees, community organizations and research teams. In 2015, she was New Brunswick co-chair of the World March of Women. She is also a front-line volunteer with the emergency shelter program for pets of women who have been victims of violence, in partnership with L’Accueil Sainte-Famille and the Acadian Peninsula SPCA. She was president of the Regroupement féministe du Nouveau-Brunswick (RFNB) and vice-president of the Alliance des femmes de la francophonie canadienne (AFFC) representing New Brunswick. Minister Boudreau initiated the silent walk at the Université de Moncton that has been organized annually since December 6, 2018, to mark the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women.
She is chair of the committee for women and gender equality at the Université de Moncton, Moncton campus, which seeks to raise awareness within the university community of the reality and issues specific to women while incorporating intersectional concepts. She worked closely with the committee members on establishing a commemorative site soon to be unveiled on the Moncton campus of the Université de Moncton. Minister Boudreau served on the Advisory Committee on women in leadership of Women in Business NB as well as on the board of the Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre. She has also served on the Academic Senate of the Université de Moncton. In August 2024, she co-authored a book on shared leadership published by Les Éditions de la Francophonie.
In December 2023, she organized the first “guignolée” in the Royal Oaks community, a door-to-door Christmas caroling activity to collect donations of food, gifts for children and money for three organizations.
Minister Boudreau also co-directed a research project on consent in sexual relationships among university students in the Francophone community. She is an honorary member of the Table de concertation pour contrer la violence conjugale et familiale and serves on the Comité des agressions sexuelles de la Péninsule acadienne. In that role, she co-organized the first two instances of a provincial summit on consent and healthy relationships.
Co-founder and co-chair of the Forum francophone sur l’apprentissage, Minister Boudreau helped launch events bringing together various leading educators to share information on innovative practices in areas including gender equality and consent.
Minister Boudreau is also heavily involved with in-school initiatives to promote a positive, inclusive approach to sex education. She is an active member of committees dedicated to instilling students with these values at schools
in the Francophone Sud School District, where she is co-coordinator of the committee for positive and inclusive sex education.
In October 2024, Minister Boudreau was elected to the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick representing the riding of Champdoré-Irishtown. On November 2nd, 2024, she was officially sworn into the Executive Cabinet as the Minister responsible for Women’s Equality and Seniors. In her new role, Minister Boudreau is poised to advocate for policies that promote gender equality and enhance the well-being of seniors across the province.
Recognition: Minister Boudreau was recipient of the 2022 Prix Bleu et Or for her dedication to supporting student life. She received the 2020 Dialogue Award from the Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick in recognition of her efforts to eliminate family and domestic violence and, in 2022, the VIVE Community Champion Award from the New Brunswick Women’s Equality Branch. She was also selected to receive the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal.
She always incorporates education on consent and healthy relationships into her actions and initiatives, with a focus on shared leadership from a 360 viewpoint and adopting an intersectional and intergenerational approach. In her view, education is the key to effecting systemic change and shifting from a culture of silence to one of consent.